
With a smile you most beautiful

Familiarize yourself with our services.


Aesthetic dentistry


Warranty and quality

Mediss is a guarantee of services and service at the highest level. We work only with proven materials of the highest quality.

Modern diagnostics

Thanks to modern diadnostic devices as well as knowledge and experience, we are able to detect oral diseases.

Comprehensive treatment

Mediss is a guarantee of services and service at the highest level. We work only with proven materials of the highest quality.

MEDISS – Your dental clinic in Gdańsk

Mediss Dental Clinic was founded on the belief that dental services at the highest level should be available to every patient. Thanks to the knowledge and commitment of the people who work here, we can provide you with comprehensive dental care. MEDISS consists of two dental clinics located in the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz and Gdańsk Morena housing estates, which were created in the city center, close to the main communication junctions, so that people using public transport and motorized patients can easily reach us. (…)


A beautiful smile means better health and quality of life. See our metamorphoses and arrange a consultation – check what we can do for you.

Mediss Dental Clinic is a professional dental treatment, with modern diagnostics, painless methods of anesthesia, excellent quality equipment, and short waiting times for an appointment, but most of all is a team of proven professionals with many years of experience and involved in the treatment process.

Specialists from many fields of dentistry work here, such as prosthetics, dental surgery, root canal treatment as well as orthodontics and implantology at the highest level – we work on certified PREMIUM class implants of the German concern BEGO. Our priority and goal is TRUST and SATISFACTION for patients treated in our facilities.

We have world-class knowledge and technological capabilities (3D tomograph, pantomograph with cephalometry, dental microscopes), thanks to which we are able to detect and cure oral diseases. We work only with proven materials of the highest quality. At Mediss Dental Clinic, we will take care of your smile.

Paulina Kruszyna

Revievs from Google

Wizyt u dentysty chyba nikt nie lubi, ale ja stamtad wyszlam bardzo zadowolona. Fajna atmosfera, mozna sie troche rozluznic noi najwazniejsze..zab juz nie boli. Cena adekwatna do miejsca i jakosci polecam

Kamil Macher

Revievs from Google

W zeszłym tygodniu miałem wybielane zęby lampą Philipsa. Efekt rewelacyjny, przeszedł moje najśmielsze oczekiwania jestem super zadowolony. Fachowa i miła obsługa!

Pracują tu specjaliści z wielu dziedzin stomatologii takich jak protetyka, chirurgia stomatologiczna, leczenie kanałowe oraz ortodoncja i implantologia na najwyższym poziomie – pracujemy na certyfikowanych implantach klasy PREMIUM niemieckiego koncernu BEGO. Naszym priorytetem i celem działania jest ZAUFANIE i ZADOWOLENIE leczonych w naszych placówkach Pacjentów.

Posiadamy wiedzę oraz możliwości technologiczne na światowym poziomie (Tomograf 3D, Pantomograf z cefalometrią, mikroskopy stomatologiczne) dzieki czemu jesteśmy w stanie wykryć i wyleczyć choroby jamy ustnej. Pracujemy tylko na sprawdzonych materiałach najwyższej jakości. W Mediss Dental Clinic zadbamy o Państwa uśmiech.

Paulina Kruszyna

Opinie w Google

Wizyt u dentysty chyba nikt nie lubi, ale ja stamtad wyszlam bardzo zadowolona. Fajna atmosfera, mozna sie troche rozluznic noi najwazniejsze..zab juz nie boli. Cena adekwatna do miejsca i jakosci polecam

Kamil Macher

Opinie w Google

W zeszłym tygodniu miałem wybielane zęby lampą Philipsa. Efekt rewelacyjny, przeszedł moje najśmielsze oczekiwania jestem super zadowolony. Fachowa i miła obsługa! POLECAM!!!


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